St. Emydius Community...
.. can be the special spiritual place we know. There are a few programs and we encourage parishioners, neighbors and friends to participate with us.

(Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)
This program is offered in September and ending at the Feast of the Pentecost.
For all information, please call our parish office.
Parish Council
Picture below: A 1920 fundraising campaign for a new bigger St. Emydius Church featured the raffle of a brand new house in Monterey Heights. Every parishioner had to sell or buy $20 in raffle tickets...a community working together to build a church.

Special Masses such as Salubong
This is a traditional Filipino devotion that reenacts the encounter of the risen Christ with his mother. On the morning of Easter Sunday, the faithful carry statues of the risen Christ and of the Blessed Mother through the church grounds in two separate processions. The men of the community, in a procession of joyful celebration, accompany the statue of Christ; the women of the community, in a somber procession of mourning, accompany the image of the sorrowful mother, shrouded in a black mourning veil. They arrive at a designated meeting place, usually in front of a church, where a little girl dressed as an angel removes the black mourning veil from the statue of Mary.
The SF Turkey Drive
Dear Parishioners,
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the SF Turkey Drive was a questionable event to produce with a turkey drop off site in our St Emydius parking lot. So the decision was to proceed with a fundraising event done by mail, email and with virtual celebrations before Thanksgiving and Christmas. On these wonderful 2-hour celebrations, local musicians and singers volunteered their talents to cheer us up and help the fundraising effort. This included each time, Patricia & James McDonald and their 2 daughters who did an amazing job. We also had testimonies from local and even international donors who explained why they wanted to contribute to the SF Turkey Drive.
As you know, this campaign is to help the most deprived brothers and sisters from our city named after St Francis who need St. Anthony Foundation for a warm meal. We want to thank from the bottom of our hearts all parishioners, neighbors, friends & family, and volunteers for a truly stunning 2020. All contributions amounted to 1,103 turkeys, representing a 50% increase from the year 2019. Thank you, St Emydius!
Happy Year!
Pierre Smit
Liturgy Committee
The Liturgy Committee is a standing committee of the Parish dedicated to the promotion of active participation in worship.
The overall purpose of the Liturgy Committee is to assist the pastor in preparing and
providing for the spiritual development of the members of the parish through liturgical
celebrations and significant prayer experiences.