Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
What is it?
The RCIA is both process and ritual:
PROCESS- people interested in joining the Catholic Church meet each Sunday after 10:30 am Mass with our parish team to interact, learn about the Church, and relate to our parish by relating to the team members.
RITUAL- during this time, certain rituals take place as part of the parish Mass to deepen what has developed in the life of the RCIA persons. (Rite of Admission into the Catechumenate, Rite of Election, the Scrutinies, Initiation at the Easter Vigil, the Mystagogia during Eastertime).
Who are eligible to join?
1. Those interested in learning about the Catholic Church;
2. Those who wish to prepare for joining the Catholic Church;
3. Those who wish to receive Confirmation and/or First Communion.
How to sign up?
Please call the Priests' House (415-587-7066) and make an appointment.
What is the time frame?
This year the RCIA begins on September 2023 and runs to Pentecost Sunday 2024.
Each Sunday, the RCIA members and the team attend the 10:30 am Mass in a section marked out for them, enjoy some refreshments in the Priests" House, and then have a one hour session of prayer, sharing, and information.
Why the length of time?
Because adults are treated as adults and are given time to react, question, disagree, and own what relates to them.
Where do you, reader, fit in?
Feel free to invite people to enjoy this program. A gentle nudge from you is all it takes to launch a person into a wonderful Catholic.